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IL-2 R gamma信息

英文名称:Interleukin-2 receptor subunit gamma
靶点别称:Common Cytokine Receptor Gamma Chain,IL-2R Subunit Gamma,IL2RG,SCIDX,CD132,CIDX,IL-2RG,IMD4,Nonfunctional Common Cytokine Receptor Gamma Chain,Combined Immunodeficiency, X-Linked,Interleukin 2 Receptor Subunit Gamma,Interleukin-2 Receptor Subunit Gamma,Severe Combined Immunodeficiency,Cytokine Receptor Common Subunit Gamma,CD132 Antigen,GammaC,Interleukin 2 Receptor, Gamma,IL-2 Receptor Subunit Gamma,SCIDX1,P64

IL-2 R gamma产品列表

ILG-H85E8|Biotinylated Human IL-2 R gamma / CD132 Protein, His,Avitag™
  1. 150XXXXXXX1
  2. 1人赞
  3. 购买此款Avitag™ 的biotin的蛋白用于酵母筛选。酵母展示的抗体高亲和的同此蛋白结合。另外用这个蛋白进行酵母文库的MACS 富集,也得到预期的结果。
  4. 2022-02-21
ILA-H52H5|Human IL-2 R gamma / CD132 Protein, His Tag (MALS verified)
  1. 182XXXXXXX6
  2. 0人赞
  3. 很久之前就采购了该货号IL2R gamma重组蛋白,用于IL2不同展示活性的Elisa检测,蛋白活性高,铺板效果极佳,多组Elisa数据可信度高,极大的推动了项目进展。
  4. 2024-10-22
ILA-H52H5|Human IL-2 R gamma / CD132 Protein, His Tag (MALS verified)
  1. 199XXXXXXX8
  2. 0人赞
  3. 该货号IL-2 R gamma纯度和活性都很高,使用该蛋白用于检测不同突变体多肽亲和力。蛋白铺板效果很不错,且非特异性结合弱,ELISA数据重现性极好。
  4. 2024-07-09

IL-2 R gamma分子别名


IL-2 R gamma分子背景

IL-2R is a heterotrimeric protein binds and responds to the cytokine IL-2. Three distinct chains of IL-2R, termed as α, β and γ, which are non-covalently associated are identified. The α and β chains are involved in binding IL-2, while signal transduction following cytokine interaction is carried out by the γ chain, along with the β subunit. The α chain of the IL-2R can bind to the β chain before receptor interaction with IL-2. The γ chain alone has a very weak affinity for IL-2, but after the ligand is bound to the α/β heterodimer, the γ chain becomes recruited to the complex to form a very stable macromolecular quaternary ligand/receptor complex.
Interleukin-2 receptor subunit gamma (IL2RG), also known as cytokine receptor common subunit gamma, CD antigen CD132, gammaC, p64, which belongs to the type I cytokine receptor family or type 5 subfamily. IL2RG is located on the surface of immature blood-forming cells in bone marrow. Defects in IL2RG are the cause of severe combined immunodeficiency X-linked T-cell-negative/B-cell-positive/NK-cell-negative (XSCID).

IL-2 R gamma临床药物信息

英文名称 研发代码 研发阶段 公司 适应症 临床试验
MB-107 IND-14570; MB-107 临床二期 圣犹达儿童研究医院, National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases (Niaid), 国家心肺和血液研究所, National Institute of Health, Islamabad x连锁联合免疫缺陷病, 免疫缺陷性疾病 详情
GI-101 SIM-323; SIM323; SIM0323; GI-101 临床二期 GI Innovation Inc 实体瘤, 头颈部鳞状细胞癌, 阴道肿瘤, Merkel细胞癌, 肾细胞癌, 肿瘤, 膀胱癌, 外阴肿瘤, 肉瘤, 结直肠癌, 食管鳞状细胞癌, 非小细胞肺癌, 宫颈癌, 黑色素瘤 详情
Pegenzileukin THOR-707; SAR-444245 临床二期 Synthorx Inc 结直肠癌, 黑色素瘤, 转移癌, 非小细胞肺癌, 肝细胞癌, 鳞状细胞癌, 食管鳞状细胞癌, 食道腺癌, 口咽肿瘤, 肠道肿瘤, 多发性骨髓瘤, 间皮组织肿瘤, 弥漫性大B-细胞淋巴瘤, 皮肤肿瘤, 霍奇金病, 头颈部鳞状细胞癌, 胃癌, 头颈癌 详情
LTC-004 LTC004; LTC-004 临床二期 北京志道生物科技有限公司 实体瘤, 胰腺癌, 肿瘤, 肉瘤, 结直肠癌 详情
IAP-0971 IAP-0971 临床二期 盛禾(中国)生物制药有限公司 实体瘤, 肿瘤, 膀胱癌, 非小细胞肺癌 详情
TransCon IL-2 β/γ 临床二期 Ascendis Pharma A/S 卵巢癌, 实体瘤, 头颈癌, 非小细胞肺癌 详情
TYF-IL-2Rg gene-modified autologous stem cells (Shenzhen Geno-Immune Medical Institute) 临床二期 深圳市免疫基因治疗研究院 x连锁联合免疫缺陷病 详情
Simlukafusp alfa FAP-IL2v; RG-7461; aFAP-IL2v; RO-6874281; FAP-IL2v FP 临床一期 罗氏 头颈癌, 实体瘤, 食道癌, 肾细胞癌, 乳腺癌, 宫颈癌, 黑色素瘤 详情
BJ-001(Boji Biomedical Technology) BJ-001 临床一期 博际生物医药科技(杭州)有限公司 实体瘤, 传染性疾病, 转移癌 详情
ex vivo IL2RG stem cell-based gene therapy (Genethon/University College London/Hannover Medical School) 临床一期 Genethon 严重联合免疫缺陷症 详情
PD 1-proIL-2v (Proviva Therapeutics) PTX-912 临床一期 Proviva Therapeutics Inc 实体瘤, 肿瘤, 转移癌 详情
NL-201 (Neoleukin Therapeutics) NL-201 临床一期 Neoleukin Therapeutics Inc 实体瘤 详情
Recombinant human interleukin 15(Beijing Kawin) 临床一期 北京凯因科技股份有限公司 实体瘤 详情


