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Integrin alpha V beta 6信息

英文名称:Integrin alpha-V/beta-6

Integrin alpha V beta 6产品列表

IT6-H82E4|Biotinylated Human Integrin alpha V beta 6 (ITGAV&ITGB6) Heterodimer Protein, His,Avitag™&Tag Free (MALS verified)
  1. 475XXXXXXX
  2. 4人赞
  3. Great communication from the Acro team--quickly received an email detailing the estimated delivery timeframe and asking if that timeframe was acceptable. Product was ready per the timeline provided by the Acro biosystems team and shipped. This was a new product for us (though we’ve used other acro biosystems products previously) and worked well for our intended use with Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR). Thank you all!
  4. 2022-04-02
IT6-H82E4|Biotinylated Human Integrin alpha V beta 6 (ITGAV&ITGB6) Heterodimer Protein, His,Avitag™&Tag Free (MALS verified)
  1. 188XXXXXXX0
  2. 1人赞
  3. 物流速度很快,从北京发货,第二天就到了。购买本产品用于筛选抗体和亲和力测定。目前只做了筛选工作,结果应该没问题。产品质量好!后续有需要还会在这里购买。
  4. 2024-03-19
IT6-H82E4|Biotinylated Human Integrin alpha V beta 6 (ITGAV&ITGB6) Heterodimer Protein, His,Avitag™&Tag Free (MALS verified)
  1. 153XXXXXXX5
  2. 1人赞
  3. 我们购买Biotinylated Human Integrin alpha V beta 6这个蛋白,是用来做筛选使用。acro的biotin标记很稳定,能够很灵敏的进行结合和信号显示。
  4. 2024-12-17

Integrin alpha V beta 6分子别名

Integrin alpha V beta 6,ITGAV&ITGB6

Integrin alpha V beta 6分子背景

Integrin alpha V beta 6 is a heterodimer of beta-6 associating with alpha-V. Integrin alpha-V beta-6 is a receptor for fibronectin and cytotactin. It recognizes the sequence R-G-D in its ligands. Internalisation of integrin alpha-V beta-6 via clathrin-mediated endocytosis promotes carcinoma cell invasion. Also, Integrin alpha-V beta-6 acts as a receptor for coxsackievirus A9 and coxsackievirus B1 as well as herpes simplex virus-1/HHV-1. Furthermore, it binds the TGF-beta latency‑associated peptide (LAP) and activates TGF-beta 1 or TGF-beta 3 from large latent complexes. This activation requires interaction with LTBP-1 and fibronectin, and is enhanced by PAR-1.

Integrin alpha V beta 6临床药物信息

英文名称 研发代码 研发阶段 公司 适应症 临床试验
Bexotegrast PLN-74809 临床三期 Pliant Therapeutics Inc 特发性肺纤维化, 新型冠状病毒感染, 成人呼吸窘迫综合征, 硬化性胆管炎 详情
IDL-2965 IDL-2965 临床二期 Indalo Therapeutics Inc 非酒精性脂肪性肝炎, 特发性肺纤维化 详情
Nesvategrast OTT-166(OcuTerra Therapeutics); SF-0166 临床二期 Scifluor Life Sciences Inc, OcuTerra Therapeutics Inc 糖尿病黄斑水肿, 糖尿病视网膜病变, 年龄相关性黄斑变性 详情
18F-αvβ6-Binding-Peptide 18F-αvβ6-BP 临床一期 美国国立癌症研究所, 美国国立卫生研究院 直肠癌, 胰腺癌, 新型冠状病毒感染, 结肠癌, 乳腺癌, 结直肠癌, 肺癌, 转移性乳腺癌 详情
[18F]FP-R01-MG [18F]FP-R01-MG; [18F]FP-R01-MG-F2 临床一期 Pliant Therapeutics Inc, 斯坦福大学, 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院 胰腺癌, 特发性肺纤维化, 新型冠状病毒感染, 硬化性胆管炎, 脑转移, 肺癌, 非小细胞肺癌 详情
Ga-68-Trivehexin RAD-301 临床一期 Trimt GmbH 胰腺癌, 胰腺导管癌 详情


