受突变株影响,新冠疫情依旧严峻。最近,ACROBiosystems百普赛斯向由美国国家过敏和传染病研究所(NIAID)成立的BEI Resources捐献了数十种新冠突变株蛋白产品,以便科研人员开展新冠突变株研究,从而加速全球抗击新冠的进程。
“我们牢记公司加速生物医药研发进程的使命。从第一例突变株被报道起,ACROBiosystems便迅速寻找策略,应对挑战。短时间内,我们已经上线了70多种蛋白产品。”ACROBiosystems百普赛斯董事长兼首席执行官陈宜顶说,“BEI Resources是医药研发科学家们非常有价值的资源平台。我们相信,通过这一合作我们可以和更多的科研人员一起应对突变株的挑战。”
BEI Resources是由美国国家过敏与传染病研究所(NIAID)建立,致力于为科学界研究A、B、C类重点病原体、新发传染病病原体、非致病性微生物和其他微生物材料提供试剂、工具和信息。BEI Resources接收、验证以及生产科研人员做基础研究及开发更好的诊断方法、疫苗和治疗所需的试剂。通过BEI的集中调度,科学界获取和使用的这些资源得到了有效管理,并且这些试剂的质控也得到了保证。
ACROBiosystems makes donations to BEI Resources, accelerating the process of attacking SARS-CoV-2 variants globally
Multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants are emerging and circulating globally; the battle against COVID-19 pandemic is still challenging. Recently, ACROBiosystems donated SARS-CoV-2 mutant proteins to BEI Resources, a NIAID funded bioresource program, joining in the collective effort in attacking SARS-CoV-2 variants globally.
The donation will facilitate the development of serologic tests, therapeutic antibodies, and vaccines. The availability of ACROBiosystems’ panel of mutants with high purity and bioactivity paves the way for scientists to systematically examine the implication of mutants in antibody testing and drug design.
"We bear in mind our mission to accelerate the speed of biomedical research and development. Responding to mutations, ACROBiosystems has launched more than 70 mutants products in a short time.” Mike Chen, President & CEO of ACROBiosystems, said, "BEI Resources is a valuable platform for pharmaceutical R&D scientists. We believe that BEI Resources will effectively distribute our donated products to scientists, further accelerating the process of attacking COVID-19 pandemic globally.”
ACROBiosystems is a leading manufacturer of recombinant proteins and other critical reagents to support the development of target therapeutics, vaccines and diagnostics. The team has established long-term collaboration with top pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, Novartis, and Johnson & Johnson, as well as well-known academic institutes.
To fight against COVID-19, ACROBiosystems has developed high-quality super stable trimeric S protein, S RBD, S1, S2, and N proteins, paired antibodies with outstanding sensitivity verified by inactivated virus samples and featured products are suitable for IgG/M antibody titer detection, neutralizing antibody titer detection and antigen titer detection to accelerate the vaccine development.
BEI Resources was established by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to provide reagents, tools and information for studying Category A, B, and C priority pathogens, emerging infectious disease agents, non-pathogenic microbes and other microbiological materials of relevance to the research community. BEI Resources acquires, authenticates and produces reagents that scientists need to carry out basic research and develop improved diagnostic tests, vaccines, and therapies. By centralizing these functions within BEI Resources, access to and use of these materials in the scientific community is monitored and quality control of the reagents is assured.