胸腺基质淋巴细胞生成素(Thymic stromal lymphopoietin, TSLP)是一种多效细胞因子,可作用于多个细胞系,包括树突状细胞、T细胞、B细胞、中性粒细胞、肥大细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和固有淋巴细胞,影响它们的成熟、存活和招募,它以促进2型免疫反应而闻名,特别是在过敏性疾病中的作用。2021年,第一款针对TSLP的单克隆抗体(Tezepelumab)获得批准,用于治疗严重哮喘。
表1 全球部分在研TSLP靶向药物
• 哮喘患者的气道上皮细胞中TSLP水平升高,监测TSLP水平有助于评估疾病的严重程度或预测加重情况。
• 另外,特应性皮炎患者皮肤病变中TSLP表达增加,提示其在该病病理发生中的作用,测量TSLP可以帮助评估疾病活动性和治疗反应。
• 对于其他过敏症状,TSLP被认为与各种过敏性疾病的病理生理学有关,包括过敏性鼻炎和食物过敏,它可能作为一个生物标志物,用于识别有风险的个体或监测疾病进展和治疗效果。
• 在临床研究中,TSLP的检测有助于评估疾病的活动性和治疗的效果。通过检测TSLP的水平,研究其与药物PK/PD之间的关系,可以更好的理解其在疾病发展中的作用,帮助评估药物对疾病治疗效果的影响,以达到预期的疗效水平。
• 在早期研究中,通过上皮细胞刺激模型,检测TSLP以及通路上其他因子的释放,可研究TSLP诱导的信号通路。
为更好支持TSLP药物研究,ACROBiosystems百普赛斯推出ClinMax™ Human TSLP ELISA Kit,适用于检测血清、血浆及细胞上清中的TSLP含量,该试剂盒经过严格验证,具有不受基质影响回收率高、稀释线性好、批间一致性高等特点,全面助力TSLP相关药物的开发进程。
For each experiment, a standard curve needs to be set for each microplate, and the specific OD value may vary depending on different laboratories, testers, or equipment. The following example data is for reference only. The sample concentration was calculated based on the results of the standard curve.The minimum detectable concentration of TSLP is less than 31.25 pg/mL.
Ten replicates of each of 4 samples containing different TSLP concentrations were tested in one assay. Acceptable criteria: CV<10%.
Five samples containing different concentrations of TSLP were tested in independent assays. Acceptable criteria: CV<15%.
Recombinant TSLP was spiked into 3 human serum samples, and then analyzed. The average recovery of TSLP for serum samples is 91.5%.
1.Sims, J. E. et al. Molecular cloning and biological characterization of a novel murine lymphoid growth factor. J. Exp. Med. 192, 671–680 (2000).
2.Soumelis, V. et al. Human epithelial cells trigger dendritic cell mediated allergic inflammation by producing TSLP. Nat. Immunol. 3, 673–680 (2002). This study demonstrates that human epithelial cells produce TSLP and that it acts on DCs, with high expression of human TSLP in AD.
3.Rochman, I., Watanabe, N., Arima, K., Liu, Y. J. & Leonard, W. J. Cutting edge: direct action of thymic stromal lymphopoietin on activated human CD4+ T cells. J. Immunol. 178, 6720–6724 (2007). The first demonstration of a direct effect of TSLP on human T cells, with TSLPR expression increased on activated CD4+ T cells.
4.West, E. E. et al. A TSLP-complement axis mediates neutrophil killing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Sci. Immunol. 1, eaaf8471 (2016). This study demonstrates that TSLP can promote the killing of methicillin-resistant S. aureus.
5.Kobayashi, T. et al. Homeostatic control of sebaceous glands by innate lymphoid cells regulates commensal bacteria equilibrium. Cell 176, 982–997.e16 (2019). This study demonstrates a role for TSLP in the persistence of ILCs within skin and its control of sebaceous gland function to maintain the microbiota.
6.Kato, A., Favoreto, S. Jr, Avila, P. C. & Schleimer, R. P. TLR3- and Th2 cytokine-dependent production of thymic stromal lymphopoietin in human airway epithelial cells. J. Immunol. 179, 1080–1087 (2007).
7. Lee, H. C. et al. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin is induced by respiratory syncytial virus-infected airway epithelial cells and promotes a type 2 response to infection. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 130, 1187–1196. e5 (2012).