RNA-seq analysis identifies age-dependent changes in expression of mRNAs - encoding N-glycosylation pathway enzymes in mouse gonadotropesMcDonald, Larsen, Liu
et alMol Cell Endocrinol (2023) 574, 111971
Abstract: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a glycoprotein that is assembled as a heterodimer of α/β subunits in gonadotropes. Each subunit contains two N-glycan chains. Our previous in vivo genetic studies identified that at least one N-glycan chain must be present on the FSHβ subunit for efficient FSH dimer assembly and secretion. Moreover, macroheterogeneity observed uniquely on human FSHβ results in ratiometric changes in age-specific FSH glycoforms, particularly during menopausal transition. Despite the recognition of many prominent roles of sugars on FSH including dimer assembly and secretion, serum half-life, receptor binding and signal transduction, the N-glycosylation machinery in gonadotropes has never been defined. Here, we used a mouse model in which gonadotropes are GFP-labeled in vivo and achieved rapid purification of GFP+ gonadotropes from pituitaries of female mice at reproductively young, middle, and old ages. We identified by RNA-seq analysis 52 mRNAs encoding N-glycosylation pathway enzymes expressed in 3- and 8-10-month-old mouse gonadotropes. We hierarchically mapped and localized the enzymes to distinct subcellular organelles within the N-glycosylation biosynthetic pathway. Of the 52 mRNAs, we found 27 mRNAs are differentially expressed between the 3- and 8-10-month old mice. We subsequently selected 8 mRNAs which showed varying changes in expression for confirmation of abundance in vivo via qPCR analysis, using more expanded aging time points with distinct 8-month and 14-month age groups. Real time qPCR analysis indicated dynamic changes in expression of N-glycosylation pathway enzyme-encoding mRNAs across the life span. Notably, computational analysis predicted the promoters of genes encoding these 8 mRNAs contain multiple high probability binding sites for estrogen receptor-1 and progesterone receptor. Collectively, our studies define the N-glycome and identify age-specific dynamic changes in mRNAs encoding N-glycosylation pathway enzymes in mouse gonadotropes. Our studies suggest the age-related decline in ovarian steroids may regulate expression of N-glycosylation enzymes in mouse gonadotropes and explain the age-related N-glycosylation shift previously observed on human FSHβ subunit in pituitaries of women.Copyright © 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Molecular Cloning and AlphaFold Modeling of Thyrotropin (ag-TSH) From the Amazonian Fish Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas)Freire, Hernandez-Gonzalez, Lima
et alBioinform Biol Insights (2023) 17, 11779322231154148
Abstract: Arapaima gigas, known as Pirarucu in Brazil, is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. Some individuals could reach 3 m in length and weight up to 200 kg. Due to extinction risks and its economic value, the species has been a focus for preservation and reproduction studies. Thyrotropin (TSH) is a glycoprotein hormone formed by 2 subunits α and β whose main activity is related to the synthesis of thyroid hormones (THs)-T3 and T4. In this work, we present a combination of bioinformatics tools to identify Arapaima gigas βTSH (ag-βTSH), modeling its molecular structure and express the recombinant heterodimer form in mammalian cells. Using the combination of computational biology, based on genome-related information, in silico molecular cloning and modeling led to confirm results of the ag-βTSH sequence by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and transient expression in human embryonic kidney (HEK293F) cells. Molecular cloning of ag-βTSH retrieved 146 amino acids with a signal peptide of 21 amino acid residues and 6 disulfide bonds. The sequence has a similarity to 39 fish species, ranging between 43.1% and 81.6%, whose domains are extremely conserved, such as cystine knot motif and N-glycosylation site. The Arapaima gigas thyrotropin (ag-TSH) model, solved by AlphaFold, was used in molecular dynamics simulations with Scleropages formosus receptor, providing similar values of free energy ΔGbind and ΔGPMF in comparison with Homo sapiens model. The recombinant expression in HEK293F cells reached a yield of 25 mg/L, characterized via chromatographic and physical-chemical techniques. This work shows that other Arapaima gigas proteins could be studied in a similar way, using the combination of these techniques, recovering more information from its genome and improving the reproduction and preservation of this prehistoric fish.© The Author(s) 2023.
Ancestral glycoprotein hormone and its cognate receptor present in primitive chordate ascidian: Molecular identification and functional characterizationYang, Zhang, Liu
et alInt J Biol Macromol (2023) 229, 401-412
Abstract: The glycoprotein hormone (GPH) system is fundamentally significant in regulating the physiology of chordates, such as thyroid activity and gonadal function. However, the knowledge of the GPH system in the primitive chordate ascidian species is largely lacking. Here, we reported an ancestral GPH system in the ascidian (Styela clava), which consists of GPH α subunit (Sc-GPA2), GPH β subunit (Sc-GPB5), and the cognate leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor (Sc-GPHR). Comparative structure analysis revealed that distinct from vertebrate GPH β subunits, Sc-GPB5 was less conserved, showing an atypical N-terminal sequence with a type II transmembrane domain instead of a typical signal peptide. By investigating the presence of recombinant Sc-GPA2 and Sc-GPB5 in cell lysates and culture media of HEK293T cells, we confirmed that these two subunits could be secreted out of the cells via distinct secretory pathways. The deglycosylation experiments demonstrated that N-linked glycosylation only occurred on the conserved cysteine residue (N78) of Sc-GPA2, whereas Sc-GPB5 was non-glycosylated. Although Sc-GPB5 exhibited distinct topology and biochemical properties in contrast to its chordate counterparts, it could still interact with Sc-GPA2 to form a heterodimer. The Sc-GPHR was then confirmed to be activated by tethered Sc-GPA2/GPB5 heterodimer on the Gs-cAMP pathway, suggesting that Sc-GPA2/GPB5 heterodimer-initiated Gs-cAMP signaling pathway is evolutionarily conserved in chordates. Furthermore, in situ hybridization and RT-PCR results revealed the co-expression patterns of Sc-GPA2 and Sc-GPB5 with Sc-GPHR transcripts, respectively in ascidian larvae and adults, highlighting the potential functions of Sc-GPA2/GPB5 heterodimer as an autocrine/paracrine neurohormone in regulating metamorphosis of larvae and physiological functions of adults. Our study systematically investigated the GPA2/GPB5-GPHR system in ascidian for the first time, which offers insights into understanding the function and evolution of the GPH system within the chordate lineage.Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Genes Encoding the Glycoprotein Hormone GPA2/GPB5 and the Receptor LGR1 in a Female PrawnWahl, Levy, Manor
et alFront Endocrinol (Lausanne) (2022) 13, 823818
Abstract: In vertebrate reproduction, metabolism, growth and development, essential roles are played by glycoprotein hormones, such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), all of which are heterodimers consisting of two subunits, a structurally identical alpha subunit, and a variable beta subunit, which provides specificity. A 'new' glycoprotein hormone heterodimer identified in both vertebrates and invertebrates, including decapod crustaceans, was shown to be composed of the glycoprotein alpha 2 (GPA2) and glycoprotein beta 5 (GPB5) subunits. The putative receptor for GPA2/GPB5 in invertebrates is the leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 1 (LGR1). In this study in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, we identified and characterized the GPA2 (MrGPA2), GPB5 (MrGPB5) and LGR1 (MrLGR1) encoding genes and revealed their spatial expression patterns in female animals. Loss-of-function RNA interference (RNAi) experiments in M. rosenbergii females demonstrated a negative correlation between MrGPA2/MrGPB5 silencing and MrLGR1 transcript levels, suggesting a possible ligand-receptor interaction. The relative transcript levels of M. rosenbergii vitellogenin (MrVg) in the hepatopancreas were significantly reduced following MrGPA2/MrGPB5 knockdown. MrLGR1 loss-of-function induced MrVg receptor (MrVgR) transcript levels in the ovary and resulted in significantly larger oocytes in the silenced group compared to the control group. Our results provide insight into the possible role of GPA2/GPB5-LGR1 in female reproduction, as shown by its effect on MrVg and MrVgR expression and on the oocyte development. Here, we suggest that the GPA2/GPB5 heterodimer act as a gonad inhibiting factor in the eyestalk-hepatopancreas-ovary endocrine axis in M. rosenbergii.Copyright © 2022 Wahl, Levy, Manor, Aflalo, Sagi and Aizen.