产品描述(Product Details)
The Nucleic Acid Extraction System offers automated magnetic bead-based sample preparation for DNA. Efficient bead collection and transfer ensure thorough washing, effective elution, and swift processing, resulting in dependable high recovery rates and consistent performance across various complex samples.
This instrument significantly boosts your lab's efficiency by reducing hands-on sample preparation time, lowering costs, and increasing throughput.
Through the integration of automatic instruments with sample preparation and quantitation kits, we can provide comprehensive solutions that address critical customer needs for sensitivity, reliability, dynamic range, and automation in biologic drug screening throughout the entire manufacturing process. For information of sample preparation and quantitation kits, see the resDetect™ products website.
The instrument is used for the automated extraction of residual DNA from biopharmaceutical drugs.
For use in quality control/manufacturing process only.
It is for research use only.
- Minimal error with less hands-on time
- Automated sample prep processing
- Up to 32 extractions in a single run
- Optimized protocols for resDetect™ Sample Preparation kit
- Consistent and reliable data
典型数据-Typical Data Please refer to DS document for the assay protocol.

Automated, high-throughput recovery of nucleic acid from complex samples

- 买的这个带Fc标签的蛋白用来做动物免疫,因为免疫动物对蛋白的质量要求还挺高的,就跑了个电泳,做了个液相,质检结果看上去纯度还可以,希望能筛选到合适的抗体
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- 2021-9-1