This Sample Dilution Buffer is designed for sample dilution in TR-FRET Assay, and is particularly well suited when Europium cryptate is involved in the TR-FRET Assay.
1. The buffer should be stored at 2℃-8℃ upon receiving. 2. Find the expiration date on the outside packaging and do not use the buffer past its expiration date.

Inhibition of Europium-chelate labeled human TL1A: FA labeled human DR3 binding by Human Anti-TL1A Neutralizing Antibody
Premix serial dilutions of Human Anti-TL1A Neutralizing Antibody (1:2 serial dilution, from 10 μg/mL to 0.01953125 μg/mL (66.6667-0.1302 nM)) and Human TL1A Protein Europi-um-chelate and incubate at room temperature (20℃-25℃) for 0.5 hours. Then add FA La-beled Human DR3 Protein and incubate at room temperature (20℃-25℃) for 0.5 hours. Detection was performed with IC50 of 2.816nM. The assay was performed according to the above-described Datasheet (QC tested).