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英文名称:Ephrin type-A receptor 2
靶点别称:EC:,Epithelial Cell Receptor Protein Tyrosine Kinase,Ephrin type-A receptor 2,Epithelial cell kinase,EPHA2,EPH Receptor A2,Tyrosine-Protein Kinase Receptor ECK,ECK,Soluble EPHA2 Variant 1,EC,CTRCT6,ARCC2,CTPP1,CTPA,Receptor, EphA2,EC 2.7.10


EP2-H82E4|Biotinylated Human EphA2 Protein, His,Avitag™ (MALS verified)
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  4. 2024-03-19




Receptor tyrosine kinase which binds promiscuously membrane-bound ephrin-A family ligands residing on adjacent cells, leading to contact-dependent bidirectional signaling into neighboring cells. The signaling pathway downstream of the receptor is referred to as forward signaling while the signaling pathway downstream of the ephrin ligand is referred to as reverse signaling. Activated by the ligand ephrin-A1/EFNA1 regulates migration, integrin-mediated adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of cells. Regulates cell adhesion and differentiation through DSG1/desmoglein-1 and inhibition of the ERK1/ERK2 (MAPK3/MAPK1, respectively) signaling pathway. Engaged by the ligand ephrin-A5/EFNA5 may regulate lens fiber cells shape and interactions and be important for lens transparency development and maintenance. With ephrin-A2/EFNA2 may play a role in bone remodeling through regulation of osteoclastogenesis and osteoblastogenesis.


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BT-5528 BT-5528; BT5528 临床二期 Bicycle Therapeutics 卵巢癌, 头颈癌, 转移性上皮癌, 三阴性乳腺癌, 非小细胞肺癌 详情
siRNA-EphA2-DOPC 临床一期 德州大学安德森癌症中心 实体瘤, 卵巢癌, 胰腺癌 详情
18F-Dasatinib 18F-SKI-249380; [18F]-Fluoro-BMS-354825; [18F]Dasatinib; [18F]SKI-249380; [18F]Fluoro-BMS-354825 临床一期 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 骨髓瘤, 转移性上皮癌, 肿瘤, 肉瘤, 淋巴瘤, 诊断剂, 黑色素瘤 详情
SC-102 SC-102 临床一期 天津星联肽生物科技有限公司 实体瘤, 肿瘤 详情
Autologous Anti-EGFRvIII synNotch Receptor Induced Anti-EphA2/IL-13R alpha2 CAR (E-SYNC) T Cells therapy(California Institute For Regenerative Medicine) 临床一期 California Institute For Regenerative Medicine, 美国国立癌症研究所 胶质母细胞瘤 详情


