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Carbonic Anhydrase II信息

英文名称:Carbonic anhydrase II
靶点别称:Carbonic anhydrase II,Carbonic Anhydrase B,EC:,Carbonate Dehydratase II,Carbonic Anhydrase C,EC,CA2,Epididymis Luminal Protein 76,Car2,HEL-76,Epididymis Secretory Protein Li 282,CA-II,CAC,CAII,HEL-S-282,Carbonic Anhydrase 2,Carbonic Dehydratase

Carbonic Anhydrase II产品列表

货号 物种 产品描述 蛋白结构 纯度 活性
Human Carbonic Anhydrase II / CA2 Protein, His Tag

Carbonic Anhydrase II分子别名


Carbonic Anhydrase II分子背景

Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are a large family of zinc metalloenzymes. CAs form a family of enzymes that catalyze the rapid interconversion of carbon dioxide and water to bicarbonate and protons (or vice versa), a reversible reaction that occurs rather slowly in the absence of a catalyst. One of the functions of the enzyme in animals is to interconvert carbon dioxide and bicarbonate to maintain acid-base balance in blood and other tissues, and to help transport carbon dioxide out of tissues. The active site of most carbonic anhydrases contains a zinc ion. They are, therefore, classified as metalloenzymes. There are at least five distinct CA families (α, β, γ, δ and ε). These families have no significant amino acid sequence similarity and in most cases are thought to be an example of convergent evolution. The α-CAs are found in humans.
Carbonic anhydrase II (CA2) is also known as Carbonate dehydratase II, Carbonic anhydrase C, is one of fourteen forms of human α carbonic anhydrases. Defects in this enzyme are associated with osteopetrosis and renal tubular acidosis. Renal carbonic anhydrase allows the reabsorption of sodium ions in the proximal tubule. Carbonic anhydrase II has been shown to interact with Band 3 and Sodium-hydrogen antiporter 1.

Carbonic Anhydrase II上市药物信息

英文名称 中文名称 研发代码 研发阶段 公司 最早商品名 最早批准国家 最早适应症 最早批准公司 最早批准日期 适应症 临床试验
Brinzolamide/Timolol Maleate 布林佐胺/马来酸噻吗洛尔 批准上市 英国爱尔康公司 Azarga, Elazop EU 高眼压, 开角型青光眼 Novartis Europharm Ltd 2008-11-25 开角型青光眼, 高眼压, 青光眼 详情
Sultiame 舒噻美 Riker-594 批准上市 Ospolot 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征, 癫痫 详情
Brinzolamide/Brimonidine Tartrate 布林佐胺/酒石酸溴莫尼定 批准上市 诺华制药 Simbrinza United States 高眼压, 开角型青光眼 Alcon Laboratories Inc 2013-04-19 开角型青光眼, 高眼压, 青光眼 详情
Topiramate 托吡酯 KW-6485P; McN-4853; RWJ-17021; W-6485; TPM; SPN-538; USL-255 批准上市 强生创新制药 Topamax, Topina, Conviban, Qudexy, Eprontia, 妥泰 United Kingdom 癫痫, 偏头痛 Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine 1995-01-01 帕金森病, 坐骨神经痛, 失神发作, 强迫性障碍, 多动秽语综合征, 尼古丁依赖, 有先兆的偏头痛, 酗酒, 赌博, 全身性癫痫, 癫痫, 创伤后应激障碍, 高血压, 脑缺氧缺血, 淋巴瘤, 可卡因成瘾, 肥胖症, 无先兆偏头痛, 饮酒, 精神疾病, 精神病性情感障碍, 血管性头痛, 高脂血症, 先天性心脏缺损, 情绪障碍, 偏头痛, 头痛, 体重减轻, 高甘油三酯血症, 狂饮-进食障碍, HIV感染, 周围神经系统疾病, 癫痫部分性发作, 避孕, 癫痫发作, 二型糖尿病, 儿童肥胖症, 大麻依赖, 术后疼痛, 病态肥胖, 贪食症, 糖尿病神经病变, 特发性震颤, 躁狂症, 多发性神经病, Lennox Gastaut综合征, 强直阵挛性癫痫, 认知 详情
Brinzolamide 布林佐胺 AL-4862; ALO-4862 批准上市 英国爱尔康公司 派立明, Azopt United States 高眼压, 开角型青光眼 Sandoz 1998-04-01 开角型青光眼, 高眼压, 青光眼 详情

Carbonic Anhydrase II临床药物信息

英文名称 研发代码 研发阶段 公司 适应症 临床试验
Topiramate (PrevEp) PrevEp-004 临床二期 PrevEP Inc 癫痫持续状态, 新生儿癫痫 详情


