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 > 【FGF-20】


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FGF-20 分子别名

FGF-20/Fibroblast growth factor 20/FGF20

FGF-20 分子背景

FGF20 is a member of the highly conserved growth factor polypeptides that regulate central nervous development and function. Like other fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), FGF20 takes key roles in diverse functions, including morphogenesis, cellular differentiation, angiogenesis, tissue remodeling, inflammation, and oncogenesis.

FGF-20 前沿进展

Altered FGF expression profile in human scalp-derived fibroblasts upon WNT activation: implication of their role to provide folliculogenetic microenvironment
Kinoshita-Ise, Tsukashima, Kinoshita et al
Inflamm Regen (2020) 40, 35
Abstract: Hair follicle (HF) formation and growth are sustained by epithelial-mesenchymal interaction via growth factors and cytokines. Pivotal roles of FGFs on HF regeneration and neogenesis have been reported mainly in rodent models. FGF expression is regulated by upstream pathways, represented by canonical WNT signaling; however, how FGFs influence on human folliculogenesis remains elusive. The aim of this study is to assess if human scalp-derived fibroblasts (sFBs) are able to modulate their FGF expression profile in response to WNT activation and to evaluate the influence of WNT-activated or suppressed FGFs on folliculogenesis.Dermal papilla cells (DPCs), dermal sheath cells (DSCs), and sFBs were isolated from the human scalp and cultured independently. The gene expression profile of FGFs in DPCs, DSCs, and sFBs and the influence of WNT activator, CHIR99021, on FGF expression pattern in sFBs were evaluated by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, which were confirmed at protein level by western blotting analysis. The changes in the expression of DPC or keratinocyte (KC) biomarkers under the presence of FGF7 or 9 were examined in both single and co-culture assay of DPCs and/or KCs. The influence of FGF 7 and FGF 9 on hair morphogenesis and growth was analyzed in vivo using mouse chamber assay.In single culture, sFBs were distinguished from DPCs and DSCs by relatively high expression of FGF5 and FGF 18, potential inducers of hair cycle retardation or catagen phase. In WNT-activated state, sFBs downregulated FGF7 while upregulating FGF9, a positive regulator of HF morphogenesis, FGF16 and FGF 20 belonging to the same FGF subfamily. In addition, CHIR99021, a WNT activator, dose-dependently modulated FGF7 and 9 expression to be folliculogenic. Altered expressions of FGF7 and FGF9 by CHIR99021 were confirmed at protein level. Supplementation of FGF9 to cultured DPCs resulted in upregulation of representative DP biomarkers and this tendency was sustained, when DPCs were co-cultured with KCs. In mouse chamber assay, FGF9 increased both the number and the diameter of newly formed HFs, while FGF7 decreased HF diameter.The results implied that sFBs support HF formation by modulating regional FGF expression profile responding to WNT activation.© The Author(s) 2020.
Evaluation of FGF 20 variants for susceptibility to Parkinson's disease in Eastern Indians
Sadhukhan, Das, Biswas et al
Neurosci Lett (2018) 675, 68-73
Abstract: Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and has a complex etiology. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the 3'-untranslated region of Fibroblast growth factor 20 (FGF 20) have been reported to be associated with PD; however, the results are controversial. Although FGF20 enhances the survival of dopaminergic neurons, it may also result in PD susceptibility by altering alpha-synuclein expression.To identify and characterize genetic risk variants in FGF 20 in Eastern Indian PD patients, 2 SNPs of FGF 20 (rs1721100 and rs2720208) were genotyped in 336 PD cases and 313 ethnically matched controls by PCR-RFLP.We observed statistically significant differences in genotypic and allelic frequencies of rs1721100 between PD cases and controls but not for rs12720208. Haplotype G-C showed a significant protective effect against PD. A functional assay revealed that the risk allele C at rs1721100 has little or no effect on relative luciferase activity from a reporter construct in the presence of miR-3189-3p, whereas allele G results in significant dose-dependent reduction.Our results suggest that FGF 20 is a susceptibility gene for PD in Eastern Indians.Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Manganese exposure: Linking down-regulation of miRNA-7 and miRNA-433 with α-synuclein overexpression and risk of idiopathic Parkinson's disease
Tarale, Daiwile, Sivanesan et al
Toxicol In Vitro (2018) 46, 94-101
Abstract: Manganese is an essential trace element however elevated environmental and occupational exposure to this element has been correlated with neurotoxicity symptoms clinically identical to idiopathic Parkinson's disease. In the present study we chronically exposed human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells to manganese (100μM) and carried out expression profiling of miRNAs known to modulate neuronal differentiation and neurodegeneration. The miRNA PCR array results reveal alterations in expression levels of miRNAs, which have previously been associated with the regulation of synaptic transmission and apoptosis. The expressions of miR-7 and miR-433 significantly reduced upon manganese exposure. By in silico homology analysis we identified SNCA and FGF-20as targets of miR-7 and miR-433. We demonstrate an inverse correlation in expression levels where reduction in these two miRNAs causes increases in SNCA and FGF-20. Transient transfection of SH-SY5Y cells with miR-7 and miR-433 mimics resulted in down regulation of SNCA and FGF-20 mRNA levels. Our study is the first to uncover the potential link between manganese exposure, altered miRNA expression and parkinsonism: manganese exposure causes overexpression of SNCA and FGF-20 by diminishing miR-7 and miR-433 levels. These miRNAs may be considered critical for protection from manganese induced neurotoxic mechanism and hence as potential therapeutic targets.Crown Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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