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 > 【FGF-22】


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FGF-22 分子别名

FGF-22,Fibroblast growth factor 22

FGF-22 分子背景

The FGF7 subfamily, consisting of FGF3, FGF7, FGF10, and FGF22, is unique among FGFs in that its members are secreted exclusively by the mesenchyme, and specifically activate the “b” isoforms of FGFR1 (FGFR1b) and FGFR2 (FGFR2b) present in the overlying epithelium. FGF 22 is secreted from cerebellar granule cells to recruit axons projected from pontine and vestibular neurons expressing FGFR 2b. FGF 22-FGFR 2b signaling organizes synapse formation by inducing axon projection toward FGF 22 secreting cells.

FGF-22 前沿进展

Steroid treatment promotes an M2 anti-inflammatory macrophage phenotype in childhood lupus nephritis
Ikezumi, Kondoh, Matsumoto et al
Pediatr Nephrol (2021) 36 (2), 349-359
Abstract: M1-type proinflammatory macrophages (MΦ) promote glomerular injury in lupus nephritis (LN). However, whether this phenotype is altered by steroid therapy is unclear. Therefore, we investigated the effect of steroid treatment on MΦ phenotype in LN.Patients with LN (7-18 years old) were divided into 2 groups: those with no treatment (N) before biopsy (n = 17) and those who underwent steroid (S) treatment (3-73 days) before biopsy (n = 15). MΦ number and phenotype were assessed by immunofluorescence. In vitro studies used monocyte-derived MΦ from healthy volunteers.Age at biopsy, urine findings, and kidney function (eGFR) were comparable between the two groups. Biopsies in N group had higher levels of active lesions such as endocapillary hypercellularity, necrosis, and cellular crescent formation (p < 0.05). The total CD68+ MΦ infiltrate was comparable between N and S groups. However, N group had more M1 MΦ (CD68+ CD86+ cells) (p < 0.05) and fewer M2 MΦ (CD68+ CD163+ cells) (p < 0.05), giving a 6-fold increase in the M2/M1 ratio in S vs. N groups. Dexamethasone treatment of cultured MΦ induced upregulation of CD163 expression, increased production of anti-inflammatory (IL-10, IL-19) and profibrotic factors (FGF-22, PDGF), and upregulated the scavenger receptor, stabilin-1. Upregulation of stabilin-1 in CD163+ M2 MΦ was confirmed in biopsies from S group.Initial steroid treatment induces MΦ phenotypic change from proinflammatory M1 to anti-inflammatory or profibrotic M2 in LN with acute/active lesions. Although steroid treatment is effective for resolution of M1-medated injury, promotion of fibrotic lesions via M2 MΦ is a potential downside of steroid single therapy in LN.
Suppression of epileptogenesis-associated changes in response to seizures in FGF22-deficient mice
Lee, Umemori
Front Cell Neurosci (2013) 7, 43
Abstract: In the developing hippocampus, fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 22 promotes the formation of excitatory presynaptic terminals. Remarkably, FGF22 knockout (KO) mice show resistance to generalized seizures in adults as assessed by chemical kindling, a model that is widely used to study epileptogenesis (Terauchi et al., 2010). Repeated injections of low dose pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) induce generalized seizures ("kindled") in wild type (WT) mice. With additional PTZ injections, FGF22KO mice do show moderate seizures, but they do not kindle. Thus, analyses of how FGF22 impacts seizure susceptibility will contribute to the better understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of epileptogenesis. To decipher the roles of FGF22 in the seizure phenotype, we examine four pathophysiological changes in the hippocampus associated with epileptogenesis: enhancement of dentate neurogenesis, hilar ectopic dentate granule cells (DGCs), increase in hilar cell death, and formation of mossy fiber sprouting (MFS). Dentate neurogenesis is enhanced, hilar ectopic DGCs appeared, and hilar cell death is increased in PTZ-kindled WT mice relative to PBS-injected WT mice. Even in WT mice with fewer PTZ injections, which showed only mild seizures (so were not kindled), neurogenesis, hilar ectopic DGCs, and hilar cell death are increased, suggesting that mild seizures are enough to induce these changes in WT mice. In contrast, PTZ-injected FGF22KO mice do not show these changes despite having moderate seizures: neurogenesis is rather suppressed, hilar ectopic DGCs do not appear, and hilar cell death is unchanged in PTZ-injected FGF22KO mice relative to PBS-injected FGF22KO mice. These results indicate that FGF22 plays important roles in controlling neurogenesis, ectopic migration of DGCs, and hilar cell death after seizures, which may contribute to the generalized seizure-resistant phenotype of FGF22KO mice and suggests a possibility that inhibition of FGF22 may alleviate epileptogenesis.
Regulation of growth factors-associated cell migration by C-phycocyanin scaffold in dermal wound healing
Madhyastha, Madhyastha, Nakajima et al
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol (2012) 39 (1), 13-9
Abstract: 1. The present study examined the role of C-phycocyanin (C-pc) in relation to growth factors and cell migration during wound healing. 2. Histological and biochemical studies showed that C-pc scaffold significantly (P < 0.01) increased hydroxyl proline, total hexamine and protein content, and decreased uronic acid content in the wound tissues during a time course study in newly formed skin. 3. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction array of mouse growth factors in wound tissue showed overexpression (up to 10-fold) of growth factors, such as Cxcl12, Fgf18, Lefty 1, Lefty 2, Rabep 1 and Zip91, and downregulation (up to -10-fold) of Amh, Bmp 7 and Nodal genes in a 6-day period in C-pc treated groups. Also, Csf 3, Fgf 22, Mdk, Igf 2, transforming growth factor (TGF)-α 1 and interleukin (IL)-1β showed an upregulation of more than 30-fold than the control groups. TGF-β subfamily cytokine growth factors, such as Bmp 2, 4 and 8b, and other growth factors, such as Cxcl 1, showed the highest activity on day 3, showing a transient type of regulation. Western blot analysis showed a positive correlation between gene activity and protein expressions of Bmp 8b, Bmp4, Bmp2 and Cxcl 1. Day 6 in the C-pc group showed the highest csf3 and IL-1β expression. 4. C-pc had no direct effect on keratinocyte migration. However, keratinocytes that were co-cultured with fibroblasts showed a significantly higher rate of migration in the presence of C-pc, showing an indirect effect of C-pc on keratinocyte migration. 5. In conclusion, biodegradable C-pc scaffold might help to serve as an alternate scaffold material for wound healing.© 2011 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
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