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APLP2 分子别名

Amyloid beta precursor like protein 2,APLP2,APPH,CDEBP,APPL2

APLP2 分子背景

May play a role in the regulation of hemostasis. The soluble form may have inhibitory properties towards coagulation factors. May interact with cellular G-protein signaling pathways. May bind to the DNA 5'-GTCACATG-3'(CDEI box). Inhibits trypsin, chymotrypsin, plasmin, factor XIA and plasma and glandular kallikrein. Modulates the Cu/Zn nitric oxide-catalyzed autodegradation of GPC1 heparan sulfate side chains in fibroblasts.

APLP2 前沿进展

Familial Alzheimer's disease mutations in amyloid precursor protein impair calcineurin signaling to NMDA receptors
J Biol Chem (2025) 301 (2), 108147
Abstract: Familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) is frequently associated with mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which are thought to lead to cognitive deficits by impairing NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity. Given the reliance of synaptic plasticity on NMDAR-mediated Ca2+ entry, shaping of NMDAR activity by APP and/or its disease-causing variants could provide a basis for understanding synaptic plasticity impairments associated with FAD. A region of APP (residues 639-644 within APP695) processed by the γ-secretase complex, which generates amyloid-β peptides, is a hotspot for FAD mutations. This region bears similarity to a binding motif for calcineurin (CaN), a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase. Interaction assays confirm that APP associates with CaN in native tissue as well as in a heterologous expression system. This capacity to bind CaN extends to APP family members amyloid precursor-like protein 1 and amyloid precursor-like protein 2 (APLP1 and APLP2, respectively). Electrophysiological analysis demonstrates that APP and its family members limit NMDAR activity, in a manner consistent with CaN-dependent regulation of NMDAR desensitization. FAD mutations, in this region of APP, impair this regulation and consequently enhance NMDAR activity. Thus, by altering the landscape for CaN regulation of NMDA receptors, FAD mutations in APP may contribute to faulty information processing by modifying the dynamic range and temporal window of a critical signal for synaptic plasticity.Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Quercetin ameliorates cognitive deficit, expression of amyloid precursor gene, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in an experimental models of Alzheimer's disease in Wistar rats
Safarzadeh, Ataei, Akbari et al
Exp Gerontol (2024) 193, 112466
Abstract: Chronic stress (CS) is critically involved in the Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis resulting in cognitive disturbance. Also, amyloid precursor protein (APP) related gens, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and stress increases AD-related pathogenesis through increasing APP, all are important players in the development of AD. Herein, we explore the possible neuroprotective and anti-amnestic effect of quercetin (QUER) on cognitive deficits induced by scopolamine (SCOP) in stressed rats. Stress induction was performed by exposed of rats to 2-h chronic restraint stress for 10 days. Then rats were supplemented with QUER (25 mg/kg/day oral gavage, for 1 month). Ratswere submitted to intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of SCOP (1 mg/kg) during the final 9 days of QUER supplementation to induce dementia like condition. Following the interventions, behavioral tests [elevated plus maze (EPM) and novel object recognition memory (NORM)] was examined to analysis the cognitive functions. Meanwhile, prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus of brain were used for gene expression and biochemical studies. Also, the plasma corticosterone (CORT) level was measured. We established that administration of QUER ameliorated the SCOP-related memory impairment. Also, QUER decreased stress related anxiety like behaviors in the EPM. QUER also altered the interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels in both PFC and hippocampus of SCOP treated rats in stress and non-stress conditions. We found that QUER increased APP and amyloid precursor-like protein 2 (APLP2) mRNA expression in both non-stress and stressed rats. Also, our findings imply that QUER suppress the effect of SCOP on cognitive functions. Moreover, decreased APP mRNA expression in the hippocampus were observed following pretreatment of rats with QUER in both stress and non-stress groups. Given that decreased amyloid beta (Aβ) expression in the hippocampus of stressed rats, it can be proposed that elevations in APP mRNA expression by QUER activates non-amyloidogenic pathways leading to reduction in Aβ levels. However, our findings indicate that QUER can be a therapeutic candidate, which exerts an anti-amnesic property against SCOP-induced memory decline. On the other hand, prior QUER administration in stress condition could be a promising approach against AD prevention.Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Fine-Tuning Amyloid Precursor Protein Expression through Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay
Rahmati, Chebli, Kumar Banote et al
eNeuro (2024) 11 (6)
Abstract: Studies on genetic robustness recently revealed transcriptional adaptation (TA) as a mechanism by which an organism can compensate for genetic mutations through activation of homologous genes. Here, we discovered that genetic mutations, introducing a premature termination codon (PTC) in the amyloid precursor protein-b (appb) gene, activated TA of two other app family members, appa and amyloid precursor-like protein-2 (aplp2), in zebrafish. The observed transcriptional response of appa and aplp2 required degradation of mutant mRNA and did not depend on Appb protein level. Furthermore, TA between amyloid precursor protein (APP) family members was observed in human neuronal progenitor cells; however, compensation was only present during early neuronal differentiation and could not be detected in a more differentiated neuronal stage or adult zebrafish brain. Using knockdown and chemical inhibition, we showed that nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is involved in degradation of mutant mRNA and that Upf1 and Upf2, key proteins in the NMD pathway, regulate the endogenous transcript levels of appa, appb, aplp1, and aplp2 In conclusion, our results suggest that the expression level of App family members is regulated by the NMD pathway and that mutations destabilizing app/APP mRNA can induce genetic compensation by other family members through TA in both zebrafish and human neuronal progenitors.Copyright © 2024 Rahmati et al.
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