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 > 【Postfusion glycoprotein F0/post-F protein (RSV)】

Postfusion glycoprotein F0/post-F protein (RSV)产品列表

RSF-V52H6|HRSV (A) Post-fusion glycoprotein F0, His Tag (MALS verified)
  1. 130XXXXXXX2
  2. 0人赞
  3. 这一款HRSV(A)post-fusion蛋白产品质量稳定,用于ELISA实验重复性好,保存稳定,有良好的稳定性,复溶后长时间有效,已经用于支持我司项目IND申报。技术服务快速响应,物流速度快,效果很理想。
  4. 2024-11-11
RAS-T168|Mouse Anti-RSV-F0 Antibody IgG Titer ELISA Assay Kit (Post-Fusion glycoprotein F0)
  1. 182XXXXXXX8
  2. 0人赞
  3. 本次试剂盒主要用于rsv项目的elisa实验,检测小鼠血清中的抗体,技术人员使用后反馈数据在理想范围内。不得不说发货及售后解答的效率是真的高
  4. 2023-08-30
RSF-V52H6|HRSV (A) Post-fusion glycoprotein F0, His Tag (MALS verified)
  1. 159XXXXXXX0
  2. 0人赞
  3. 我们是买这个产品用来做酶联免疫印迹Elisa,效果很好,阳参的结合很好,能得到有效,稳定并准确的结果,确保了项目的顺利开展。
  4. 2024-07-25

Postfusion glycoprotein F0/post-F protein (RSV)分子别名

Postfusion glycoprotein F0/post-F protein (RSV)

Postfusion glycoprotein F0/post-F protein (RSV)分子背景

Most in vitro RSV neutralizing antibodies in human sera are directed against the prefusion conformation, but due to its instability the prefusion conformation has a propensity to prematurely refold into the stable postfusion conformation, both in solution and on the surface of the virions.
An RSV F protein that has both high expression levels and maintains a stable prefusion conformation would, therefore, be a promising subunit vaccine candidate against RSV.
To facilitate the RSV-related research, drug trials and vaccine development,a high-throughput assay to measure IgG antibodies against the virus is in urgent need.


