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 > 【Prefusion glycoprotein F0/pre-F protein (RSV)】

Prefusion glycoprotein F0/pre-F protein (RSV)产品列表

RSF-V52H7|HRSV (A) Pre-fusion glycoprotein F0, His Tag (MALS verified)
  1. 155XXXXXXX6
  2. 2人赞
  3. 用来包被板子做elisa的,检测样本含量的,这个50ug可以用来包被的板子效率很高,而且过夜放置封闭起来过几天再用也可以的,蛋白我们复溶之后分装冻存效果很好
  4. >
  5. 2024-03-25
RSF-V52H7|HRSV (A) Pre-fusion glycoprotein F0, His Tag (MALS verified)
  1. 185XXXXXXX6
  2. 1人赞
  3. 包被板子做ELISA检测的,这个蛋白效价挺高的,我们1:2000稀释之后依然可以用,而且检测到的抗体相对比较稳定,不同人做的精密度符合我们的标准,通过方法学验证,后面会继续买的
  4. >
  5. 2024-04-23
RSF-V52H7|HRSV (A) Pre-fusion glycoprotein F0, His Tag (MALS verified)
  1. 153XXXXXXX7
  2. 1人赞
  3. RSV的蛋白我们买来是用来检测样本含有的抗体有多少,并且和其他品牌的蛋白双重验证了实验,发现acro的蛋白能够更好地结合且效价更高,实验能够更省蛋白
  4. >
  5. 2024-03-28

Prefusion glycoprotein F0/pre-F protein (RSV)分子别名

Prefusion glycoprotein F0/pre-F protein (RSV)

Prefusion glycoprotein F0/pre-F protein (RSV)分子背景

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a highly contagious virus causing severe infection in infants and the elderly. Various approaches are being used to develop an effective RSV vaccine. The RSV fusion (F) subunit, particularly the cleaved trimeric pre-fusion F, is one of the most promising vaccine candidates under development.
To facilitate the RSV-related research, drug trials and vaccine development, a high-throughput assay to measure IgG antibodies against the virus is in urgent need.


