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 > 【Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L/gH & gL (VZV)】

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L/gH & gL (VZV)产品列表


Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L/gH & gL (VZV)分子别名

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L/gH & gL (VZV)

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L/gH & gL (VZV)分子背景

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) the etiologic agent of chickenpox and herpes zoster [HZ], is highly contagious and still endemic worldwide. The heterodimer glycoprotein H-glycoprotein L is required for the fusion of viral and plasma membranes leading to virus entry into the host cell. Acts as a functional inhibitor of gH and maintains gH in an inhibited form. Upon binding to host integrins, gL dissociates from gH leading to activation of the viral fusion glycoproteins gB and gH. Therefore, It's helpful to develop the Varicella Zoster Virus Glycoprotein H&L ELISA Kit to quantitative detection the VZV gH&gL antigen in vaccine samples during the manufacture and quality control of vaccine development.


