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 > 【Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L & Glycoprotein O/gH & gL & gO (HCMV)】

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L & Glycoprotein O/gH & gL & gO (HCMV)信息

英文名称:Gastric lipase
靶点别称:Lipase F, Gastric Type,HGL,EC:,Gastric lipase,LIPF,Gastric Triacylglycerol Lipase,Lipase, Gastric,GL,EC,HLAL,EC 3.1.1

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L & Glycoprotein O/gH & gL & gO (HCMV)产品列表

货号 物种 产品描述 蛋白结构 纯度 活性
Human cytomegalovirus
Human cytomegalovirus (strain AD169) (HHV-5) Glycoprotein H&L&O, His Tag (MALS verified)

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L & Glycoprotein O/gH & gL & gO (HCMV)分子别名

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L & Glycoprotein O/gH & gL & gO (HCMV)

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L & Glycoprotein O/gH & gL & gO (HCMV)分子背景

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a prototypical beta-herpes virus, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised transplant recipients and congenitally infected fetuses.Different HCMV glycoprotein complexes are capable of meditating entry through interaction with cell-specific receptors on a panel of host cells. The pentamer (gH/gL/UL128/UL130/UL131A) mediates HCMV entry into epithelial, endothelial, and myeloid cells by its binding to neuropilin 2 (Nrp2). The trimer (gH/gL/gO) can mediate infection of all cell types by binding to platelet-derived growth factor-alpha (PDGFRα). Both pentamer and trimer need to interact with the glycoprotein B (gB), the fusogenic protein, to trigger the virus and host cell membrane fusion.

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L & Glycoprotein O/gH & gL & gO (HCMV)上市药物信息

英文名称 中文名称 研发代码 研发阶段 公司 最早商品名 最早批准国家 最早适应症 最早批准公司 最早批准日期 适应症 临床试验
Cetilistat 赛利司他 ATL-962; AZM-119 批准上市 Norgine Europe Bv Oblean Japan 肥胖症 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Osaka Plant 2013-09-20 二型糖尿病, 肥胖症 详情
Orlistat 奥利司他 R-212; Ro-18-0647; Ro-18-0647/002 批准上市 罗氏 赛尼可, Alli, Xenical, Zenical EU 肥胖症 Cheplapharm Arzneimittel Gmbh 1998-07-29 高甘油三酯血症, 体重减轻, 病毒感染, 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征, I型高脂蛋白血症, 高血压, 代谢病, 睡眠呼吸暂停, 女性不育, 肥胖症, 糖尿病, 超重 详情

Glycoprotein H & Glycoprotein L & Glycoprotein O/gH & gL & gO (HCMV)临床药物信息

英文名称 研发代码 研发阶段 公司 适应症 临床试验
Acarbose/Orlistat EMP-16; EMP-16-01 临床二期 Empros Pharma 肥胖症 详情


