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IgG2 Fc产品列表

IG2-H5206|Human IgG2 Fc Protein, Tag Free (MALS & SPR verified)
  1. 199XXXXXXX5
  2. 0人赞
  3. 前期做丙氨酸筛选项目时够买了该产品,结果稳定,可重复性好,本次购买用于多肽库筛选,首先做了产品亲和力验证,结果和COA一致,相信很快也能拿到好结果。
  4. >
  5. 2023-09-11
IG2-H5206|Human IgG2 Fc Protein, Tag Free (MALS & SPR verified)
  1. 155XXXXXXX3
  2. 0人赞
  3. Fcrn测IgG是典型的亲和力较大的分子对,解离非常快.因此我们使用Fcrn测试不同亚型的IgG.本款产品IgG2作为分析物,亲和力结果与其他亚型的结果一致,无非特异性.
  4. >
  5. 2024-06-05
IG2-H5206|Human IgG2 Fc Protein, Tag Free (MALS & SPR verified)
  1. 199XXXXXXX8
  2. 0人赞
  3. 第一次使用该蛋白是甲方提供的,由于活性稳定,后面我们自己回购了用于多肽亲和力成熟实验,不同批次产品纯度及活性都很稳定,elisa数据可重复性非常高,值得回购。
  4. 2024-02-17

IgG2 Fc分子别名


IgG2 Fc分子背景

Immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) is a member of many immunoglobulin G developed and secreted by effective B cells. In wake of cutting by pepsin, IgG is divided into two F(ab)s with one antigen binding site and a high conserved Fc segment. The Fc segment bears a highly conserved N-glycosylation site. There are two members of IgG2: IgG2a and IgG2b. It was found that IgG2a was superior to IgG1 in activating complement. The glycosylation of the circulating immunoglobulin-γ (IgG) antibody molecules changes in rheumatoid arthritis. Ig gamma-2 chain Fc region contains two constant regions of IgG2 H chain (CH2, CH3).


